So8th: A Community Vision

This project was led by Open Design Collective, Inc. 501c3. Script Architecture was a consultant on the project. To find out more about Open Design and to see the full report please go HERE.

Open Design is leading the South of 8th Street: A Community Vision project. So8th is leading a co-ideating and co-designing community project for an approximately 40 square block area in NE OKC. Black residents in the area were displaced after a series of three urban renewal projects - 1) the OU Health Center Expansion, 2) Jefferson Park, 3) Harrison Walnut to create space for the construction of the highway. The project reflects on the history and existing assets from which to build an inclusive and sustainable neighborhood for the majority Black community that resides in NE OKC currently and has historical roots in the area.

In response to concern from the community for supporting home ownership and maintaining housing affordability, Open Design studied how the existing urban grid could support additional density.

We explored how building typologies could support the community desire for a historic building scale, such as Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), Duplexes, Triplexes, Quadplexes, and Cottage Courts. In addition, these typologies create an active urban environment where shared exterior spaces contribute to a healthy urban lifestyle.

Project Lead: Open Design Collective

Client: Oklahoma City Redevelopment Authority


Sofola & Associates

Christina Beatty

Afiya Wilkins

Cole Mohedano (Script Architecture)

Emily Johnson (Script Architecture) and the office had many lights in it along with seven desks five people many staff and the building was one story and there was a back room and a front room


Coucilwoman Nikki Nice

NE OKC Neighborhood Coalition

Tactical committee members